medical alert services


security systems in atlanta

Knowing the different kinds of security cameras must be your first priority before purchasing one of them. Vandal proof Security CameraThe vandal proof security camera is the best security camera system for home. It cannot be tampered because it does not have exposed wires. The wires are tucked inside the camera’s covering. Its lens is covered with a thick layer of protective polycarbonate plastic or glass. The protective plastic or glass encloses the camera to prevent people from breaking it.

security for the home

8. Trees should be trimmed up so burglars may not hide behind them. Trees should also be trimmed away from light sources. While wearing dark colors, walk out on your property with a friend at night. You should be able to describe the other person from about 100 feet away anywhere on your property. If there is a dark area adding light or painting surfaces with white or light paint will help illuminate the area.


Blandit Etiam

Shop Amazon Doesn't expireTend Secure Lynx IndoorTend Secure Lynx Indoor CameraTend Secure Lynx IndoorThe Tend Lynx is the most affordable option that we’ve seen for artificial intelligence. I have to be honest: at less than 60 dollars, I’m initially a little skeptical of the Lynx’s abilities. Sure, it’s got 1080p HD and two way audio. But can it get the job done when it comes to artificial intelligence?Surprisingly, this inexpensive little camera has facial recognition technology. I’ll admit that it’s not perfect as I move my face in different angles, the camera isn’t always able to recognize me. But for the price point, I’m pretty impressed.